For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:
- /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted | Number of Attempts |
medicine/libital total reaction steps | 1571 |
/datum/reagent/blood | 1320 |
mutagen total reaction steps | 655 |
medicine/synthflesh total reaction steps | 316 |
lube total reaction steps | 230 |
oil total reaction steps | 148 |
medicine/tirimol total reaction steps | 102 |
phenol total reaction steps | 94 |
/datum/reagent/smoke_powder | 90 |
medicine/synthflesh attempts | 86 |
thermite total reaction steps | 70 |
gunpowder total reaction steps | 62 |
mindbreaker total reaction steps | 54 |
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps | 45 |
mutagen attempts | 44 |
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps | 39 |
medicine/libital attempts | 32 |
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps | 27 |
phenol attempts | 22 |
medicine/ephedrine total reaction steps | 18 |
saltpetre total reaction steps | 17 |
oil attempts | 14 |
acetone total reaction steps | 14 |
ammonia total reaction steps | 12 |
drying_agent total reaction steps | 10 |
medicine/synaptizine total reaction steps | 8 |
water total reaction steps | 7 |
lye total reaction steps | 7 |
lube attempts | 7 |
/datum/reagent/aslimetoxin | 5 |
diethylamine total reaction steps | 4 |
drink/blank_paper attempts | 4 |
ash attempts | 3 |
ammonia attempts | 3 |
medicine/aiuri attempts | 3 |
mindbreaker attempts | 3 |
medicine/sal_acid attempts | 3 |
saltpetre attempts | 3 |
drink/atomicbomb attempts | 3 |
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps | 2 |
medicine/psicodine attempts | 2 |
drink/fringe_weaver attempts | 2 |
gunpowder attempts | 2 |
medicine/tirimol attempts | 2 |
drink/manly_dorf attempts | 2 |
drink/grasshopper attempts | 2 |
thermite attempts | 2 |
drink/silencer attempts | 2 |
drink/irish_cream attempts | 2 |
drink/b52 attempts | 2 |
water attempts | 1 |
medicine/mannitol attempts | 1 |
impedrezene attempts | 1 |
medicine/psicodine total reaction steps | 1 |
drying_agent attempts | 1 |
diethylamine attempts | 1 |
medicine/oxandrolone attempts | 1 |
medicine/ephedrine attempts | 1 |
medicine/morphine attempts | 1 |
acetone attempts | 1 |
drink/triple_citrus attempts | 1 |
drink/quadruplesec attempts | 1 |
lye attempts | 1 |
drink/nuka_cola attempts | 1 |
medicine/synaptizine attempts | 1 |
Total Attempts | 5192 |