item_used_for_combat from 185156 on Manuel
0 /obj/item/food/baguette 25
0 /obj/item/bikehorn 1
0 /obj/item/hemostat 2
0 /obj/item/card/id/advanced 7
0 /obj/item/borg/lollipop 4
0 /obj/item/food/breadslice/spidermeat 1
0 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil 1
0 /obj/item/disk/nuclear 1
0 /obj/item/modular_computer/tablet/pda/medical 39
0 /obj/item/food/breadslice/xenomeat 4
0 /obj/item/cautery 3
0 /obj/item/fish/goldfish 2
0 /obj/item/roller/robo 2
0 /obj/item/modular_computer/tablet/pda/mime 1
0 /obj/item/toy/plush/slimeplushie 1
0 /obj/item/knife/plastic 1
0 /obj/item/grenade/flashbang 1
0 /obj/item/card/id/advanced/gold/captains_spare 1
0 /obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/robotic/shield 1
0 /obj/item/melee/touch_attack/mansus_fist 4
0 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe 5
0 /obj/item/gun_control 9
8 /obj/item/chair/stool/bar 10
8 /obj/item/chair 1
12 /obj/item/pushbroom 4
15 /obj/item/circular_saw 30
15 /obj/item/knife/combat/survival 4
15 /obj/item/weldingtool/largetank 1
15 /obj/item/melee/sabre 7
15 /obj/item/weldingtool 1
3 /obj/item/bodypart/l_leg/robot 1
34 /obj/item/dualsaber 32
24 /obj/item/fireaxe 1
4 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen 1
17 /obj/item/melee/sickly_blade/dark 9
17 /obj/item/melee/sickly_blade/rust 2
5 /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun 3
20 /obj/item/knife/combat 4
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