station_mess_destroyed from 186659 on Manuel
What How Many
footprints 1194
white glitter 1189
dirt 809
pink glitter 584
ashes 193
blood 130
dried footprints 87
drawing 58
tiny shards 51
letter 34
space ants 28
graffiti 23
blood splatter 22
gibs 21
dried blood 19
motor oil 17
symbol 12
insect guts 10
rotting gibs 10
foam dart 10
cobweb 9
decomposing garbage 8
wrapping shreds 6
dust 6
vomit 6
clutter 5
pool of fuel 5
crusty dried vomit 3
smashed pie 3
drips of blood 3
rune 3
candy 3
stabilized plasma 3
canned San Marzano tomatoes 3
glowing goo 2
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 2
plastic shreds 2
energybar wrapper 2
crushed can 2
large pile of ashes 2
chips 2
4no raisins 2
old rotting gibs 1
Gallery peanuts packet 1
semki pack 1
pistachios pack 1
shrimp chips 1
tin of beans 1
candle 1
Total 4590
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