chemical_reaction from 194346 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
/datum/reagent/blood 96
fentanyl total reaction steps 81
/datum/reagent/medicine/regen_jelly 75
space_drugs total reaction steps 70
phenol total reaction steps 64
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 64
chloralhydrate total reaction steps 59
facid total reaction steps 58
bath_salts total reaction steps 54
methamphetamine total reaction steps 52
medicine/multiver overheated reaction steps 51
medicine/multiver total reaction steps 48
mutetoxin total reaction steps 46
chloralhydrate overly impure reaction steps 45
medicine/ephedrine total reaction steps 41
medicine/libital total reaction steps 40
impedrezene total reaction steps 39
ammonia total reaction steps 38
mindbreaker total reaction steps 37
nitracid total reaction steps 36
ice total reaction steps 35
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 34
medicine/salbutamol total reaction steps 32
diethylamine total reaction steps 26
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 24
mutetoxin attempts 19
ice attempts 19
water total reaction steps 18
space_cleaner total reaction steps 18
oil total reaction steps 17
medicine/morphine total reaction steps 17
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 16
facid overly impure reaction steps 12
medicine/higadrite total reaction steps 11
saltpetre total reaction steps 10
medicine/potass_iodide total reaction steps 10
chloralhydrate attempts 9
oil attempts 6
drink/gargle_blaster total reaction steps 6
napalm total reaction steps 6
drink/helianthus total reaction steps 6
medicine/salglu_solution total reaction steps 6
food/hot_ramen total reaction steps 6
ammonia attempts 5
hydrogen_peroxide total reaction steps 5
water attempts 4
phenol attempts 4
sodiumchloride attempts 4
drink/neurotoxin attempts 4
drink/screwdriver attempts 3
medicine/multiver attempts 3
laughter attempts 2
drink/gargle_blaster attempts 2
drink/grasshopper total reaction steps 2
space_cleaner attempts 2
facid attempts 2
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 2
diethylamine attempts 2
medicine/ephedrine attempts 2
impedrezene attempts 2
space_drugs attempts 2
medicine/morphine attempts 2
bath_salts attempts 2
medicine/sal_acid attempts 2
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 2
medicine/libital attempts 1
medicine/aiuri attempts 1
laughter total reaction steps 1
drink/grasshopper attempts 1
napalm attempts 1
medicine/higadrite attempts 1
ash attempts 1
mindbreaker attempts 1
drink/helianthus attempts 1
nitracid attempts 1
methamphetamine attempts 1
fentanyl attempts 1
saltpetre attempts 1
medicine/salglu_solution attempts 1
food/hot_ramen attempts 1
medicine/potass_iodide attempts 1
medicine/salbutamol attempts 1
Total Attempts 1534
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