chemical_reaction from 200892 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
medicine/inacusiate total reaction steps 260
oil total reaction steps 119
facid total reaction steps 105
medicine/inacusiate overly impure reaction steps 88
medicine/inacusiate overheated reaction steps 71
nitracid total reaction steps 59
medicine/penthrite total reaction steps 57
formaldehyde total reaction steps 53
saltpetre total reaction steps 50
thermite total reaction steps 43
/datum/reagent/blood 36.4972
medicine/penthrite overly impure reaction steps 34
medicine/ephedrine total reaction steps 34
acetone total reaction steps 31
medicine/libital total reaction steps 30
medicine/multiver total reaction steps 30
medicine/oculine total reaction steps 29
ammonia total reaction steps 28
medicine/salglu_solution total reaction steps 27
napalm total reaction steps 26
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 23
phlogiston total reaction steps 21
phenol total reaction steps 21
medicine/multiver overheated reaction steps 21
diethylamine total reaction steps 15
oil attempts 14
lye total reaction steps 14
hydrogen_peroxide total reaction steps 14
medicine/lenturi total reaction steps 11
clf3 total reaction steps 10
pentaerythritol attempts 9
medicine/ephedrine attempts 7
saltpetre attempts 7
virus_food_uranium total reaction steps 6
phlogiston attempts 4
medicine/libital attempts 4
ammonia attempts 4
facid attempts 3
formaldehyde attempts 3
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 3
nitracid attempts 3
stabilizing_agent total reaction steps 3
medicine/penthrite attempts 3
ash attempts 3
diethylamine attempts 3
sodiumchloride attempts 3
medicine/inacusiate attempts 3
lye attempts 2
napalm attempts 2
virus_food_uranium_plasma_gold attempts 2
thermite attempts 2
medicine/lenturi attempts 2
medicine/multiver attempts 2
acetone attempts 1
acetaldehyde attempts 1
stabilizing_agent attempts 1
clf3 attempts 1
virus_food_uranium attempts 1
phenol attempts 1
drink/fringe_weaver attempts 1
medicine/salglu_solution attempts 1
medicine/oculine attempts 1
Total Attempts 1466
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