item_used_for_combat from 205205 on Basil
0 /obj/item/dualsaber/toy 34
0 /obj/item/clothing/head/mob_holder 2
0 /obj/item/hand_item/stealer 2
0 /obj/item/toy/windup_toolbox 13
0 /obj/item/food/cakeslice/plain 2
0 /obj/item/food/donut/plain 2
0 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil 1
0 /obj/item/latexballoon 2
10 /obj/item/extinguisher 1
10 /obj/item/kirbyplants/fullysynthetic 12
5 /obj/item/crowbar 1
5 /obj/item/screwdriver 1
5 /obj/item/wrench 2
30 /obj/item/nullrod/claymore 2
30 /obj/item/melee/energy/sword/saber 9
15 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/syndicate 7
6 /obj/item/wirecutters 1
24 /obj/item/fireaxe 4
28 /obj/item/fireaxe 9
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