food_harvested from 205609 on Manuel
What How Many
Tower Caps 167
Ambrosia Deus 124
Koibean Plants 122
Durathread 110
Bamboo 100
Onion Sprouts 80
Rice Stalks 70
Holy Melon Vines 62
Chili Plants 58
Watermelon Vines 56
Fairygrass 56
Carrots 50
Tomato Plants 50
Lime Tree 30
Cabbages 30
Soybean Plants 28
Reishi 24
Potato Plants 20
Grass 16
Harebells 12
Porcini Mushrooms 12
Sugarcane 10
Cotton 8
Ambrosia Vulgaris 6
Polypore Mushrooms 3
Total 1304
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