food_harvested from 205827 on Manuel
What How Many
Carrots 96
Chanterelle Mushrooms 55
Potato Plants 51
Cabbages 50
Soybean Plants 47
Corn Stalks 37
Tomato Plants 24
Snapcorn Stalks 20
Chili Plants 19
Apple Tree 16
Bluespace Banana Tree 15
Aloe 10
Cocao Tree 10
Blue-Tomato Plants 10
Blood-Tomato Plants 10
Berry Bush 10
Peanut Plant 10
White-Beet Plants 10
Herbs 10
Lily Plants 10
Cherry Tree 10
Orange Tree 10
Lime Tree 10
Lemon Tree 10
Plum Tree 10
Pineapple Plant 10
Eggplants 10
Olive Tree 10
Bell Pepper Plants 10
Onion Sprouts 10
Cucumber Plant 10
Garlic Sprouts 10
Rainbow Weed 9
Poppy Plants 9
Green Bean Plants 8
Golden Apple Tree 8
Tower Caps 6
Grape Vine 5
Töchtaüse Bush 4
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 3
Reishi 1
Pumpkin Vines 1
Total 694
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