station_mess_destroyed from 209197 on Terry
What How Many
footprints 959
blue glitter 821
white glitter 610
blood 458
dried footprints 265
dirt 181
dried blood 144
tiny shards 134
letter 103
gibs 48
blood splatter 35
space ants 34
insect guts 25
rotting gibs 24
rune 19
drips of blood 19
vomit 17
ashes 14
cobweb 11
glowing goo 9
motor oil 7
decomposing garbage 6
.77 bullet casing 5
symbol 4
smashed pie 2
crusty dried vomit 1
dried tracks 1
foam dart 1
graffiti 1
flour 1
plastic shreds 1
chips 1
candy 1
syringe gun spring 1
energy weapon lens 1
Total 3964
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