food_harvested from 211037 on Manuel
What How Many
Potato Plants 146
Watermelon Vines 120
Death Nettles 106
Sugarcane 103
Grass 92
Lifeweed 82
Chili Plants 50
Kudzu 50
Rose Bush 40
Cocao Tree 40
Rainbow Weed 40
Cannabis Plant 34
Apple Tree 32
Berry Bush 31
Bluespace Banana Tree 22
Coffee Arabica Bush 18
Onion Sprouts 16
Wheat Stalks 14
Pineapple Plant 14
Nettles 10
Red-Beet Plants 10
Mimana Tree 10
Death Berry Bush 10
Aloe 9
Lemon Tree 9
Tobacco Plant 7
Peanut Plant 7
Töchtaüse Bush 7
Rice Stalks 5
White-Beet Plants 3
Poison-Berry Bush 2
Total 1139
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