food_harvested from 211991 on Manuel
What How Many
Soybean Plants 114
Potato Plants 70
Nettles 61
Onion Sprouts 56
Corn Stalks 50
Glowcaps 50
Grass 44
Green-Grape Vine 43
Tomato Plants 40
Death Nettles 39
Geranium Plants 39
Berry Bush 37
Poppy Plants 35
Koibean Plants 30
Coffee Robusta Bush 26
Grape Vine 23
Fairygrass 21
Glowshrooms 20
Chili Plants 20
Orange Tree 20
Kudzu 15
Liberty-Caps 10
Egg-Plants 10
Carpet 10
Lily Plants 10
Lime Tree 10
Carrots 10
Pineapple Plant 10
Plum Tree 10
Rose Bush 10
Glow-Berry Bush 9
Tea Aspera Plant 9
Fly Amanitas 8
Ghost Chili Plants 5
Total 976
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