station_mess_destroyed from 212250 on Manuel
What How Many
footprints 834
blood 709
dirt 149
gibs 59
dried footprints 43
blood splatter 39
tiny shards 14
dried blood 11
drips of blood 11
Gumball 8
vomit 8
insect guts 7
space ants 7
ashes 6
crushed can 6
decomposing garbage 5
crusty dried vomit 4
cobweb 4
motor oil 3
boritos bag 3
candy 3
waffles tray 2
pistachios pack 2
rotting gibs 2
stabilized plasma 2
graffiti 2
energy weapon lens 2
dust 1
rune 1
canned peaches 1
energybar wrapper 1
popcorn 1
Maintenance Peaches 1
syndi-cakes 1
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 1
4no raisins 1
chips 1
symbol 1
drawing 1
magic casing 1
Total 1958
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