item_used_for_combat from 213884 on Manuel
0 /obj/item/bonesetter 9
0 /obj/item/cautery 7
0 /obj/item/toy/toy_dagger 5
0 /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/labcoat 1
0 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sneakers/black 1
0 /obj/item/radio/headset 1
0 /obj/item/clothing/mask/fakemoustache/italian 1
0 /obj/item/modular_computer/pda/medical 1
0 /obj/item/hand_item/kisser 1
0 /obj/item/wiremod_scanner 3
0 /obj/item/toy/crayon/spraycan 2
0 /obj/item/food/donut/plain 2
0 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/security/sunglasses 1
0 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sechailer/swat 3
0 /obj/item/flashlight/pen/paramedic 1
0 /obj/item/hemostat 1
8 /obj/item/kitchen/rollingpin 2
5 /obj/item/defibrillator/loaded 1
5 /obj/item/screwdriver 5
5 /obj/item/storage/bag/tray 1
5 /obj/item/crowbar 14
10 /obj/item/scalpel 8
10 /obj/item/knife/kitchen 1
10 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen 2
10 /obj/item/instrument/guitar 7
10 /obj/item/melee/baton/security/loaded 13
10 /obj/item/vorpalscythe 4
12 /obj/item/melee/baseball_bat 21
12 /obj/item/storage/toolbox 15
6 /obj/item/wirecutters 1
20 /obj/item/kinetic_crusher 1
1 /obj/item/stack/tile/wood 1
15 /obj/item/melee/sabre 41
15 /obj/item/pickaxe 4
15 /obj/item/weldingtool/largetank 1
15 /obj/item/pickaxe/drill/cyborg 22
30 /obj/item/melee/energy/sword/pirate 45
18 /obj/item/spear 8
24 /obj/item/fireaxe 4
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