food_harvested from 216603 on Manuel
What How Many
Banana Tree 137
Durathread 120
Jumping Bean Plants 110
Ambrosia Vulgaris 102
Cabbages 92
Red Onion Sprouts 60
Potato Plants 58
Omega Weed 57
Tomato Plants 56
Heal All Ambrosia 52
Tower Caps 50
Pumpkin Vines 50
Shrubbery 40
Plum Tree 40
Garlic Sprouts 37
Glow-Berry Bush 34
Onion Sprouts 30
Bamboo 30
Cannabis Plant 27
Mute Pax Sword 25
Fraxinella Plants 20
Death Nettles 19
Cotton 17
Sugarcane 16
Chilly Pepper Plants 15
Death by Acid 15
Laughin' Peas 14
Harebells 14
strange plant 10
Green Bean Plants 10
Red-Beet Plants 10
Chanterelle Mushrooms 10
Chili Plants 8
Poppy Plants 8
Berry Bush 7
Geranium Plants 6
Nettles 5
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 5
Pea Vines 3
White-Beet Plants 1
Total 1421
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