The Emergency Shuttle Has Been Called!
- So there we were having a good shift when all of a sudden an announcement came of the radio saying: 'Hello everyone I am the best and goodest engineer but I have made woopsie with the suppermatter. We now engaged and going to marry.' But then the engineer had second thoughts and DIVORCED the suppermatter. The suppermatter in a fit of anger went 'BWAOOAWOAMAO MWOOWAOAOAOOWAOOWOAO WOAWOAOWOMAOMWOAMO AMOAMOAWoMAOMW' as a warning to all other suppermatters to never get maritially involved with any engineers. All engineers went through counselling with the suppermatter but there was no psychologist to approve of and seek their application so the suppermatter finally had enough and went 'BWAOWOAOAWOAOWOAWOOAOWOAOWAO OAWOAWOAWOAOWMAOMW OAWBAOWOAWOAOWOABWAOWAOOWAM!' and then committed sudoku. This sudoku has left a terrible hole in all our hearts as one of our deepest friends and confidantes have taken their lives. Incidentally their suicide has ALSO taken multiple engineers lives as they tried to stop the suppermat