chemical_reaction from 217967 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
lexorin total reaction steps 5889
medicine/libital total reaction steps 98
oil total reaction steps 84
mutagen total reaction steps 52
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 36
phenol total reaction steps 33
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 32
medicine/salbutamol total reaction steps 31
medicine/synthflesh overheated reaction steps 30
water total reaction steps 27
medicine/synthflesh total reaction steps 27
medicine/helbital overly impure reaction steps 23
medicine/helbital total reaction steps 23
lye total reaction steps 15
medicine/synthflesh overly impure reaction steps 14
drink/changelingsting attempts 13
medicine/hercuri total reaction steps 13
ammonia total reaction steps 11
cryostylane total reaction steps 10
lexorin attempts 10
drink/changelingsting total reaction steps 9
ash total reaction steps 9
oil attempts 8
lye attempts 7
phenol attempts 6
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 6
medicine/libital attempts 6
ammonia attempts 5
ice attempts 4
cryostylane attempts 4
water attempts 4
drink/screwdriver attempts 3
medicine/helbital attempts 3
medicine/synthflesh attempts 3
cryostylane_oxygen attempts 2
mutagen attempts 2
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 2
/datum/reagent/blood 1.75
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 1
medicine/aiuri attempts 1
ice total reaction steps 1
cryostylane_oxygen total reaction steps 1
medicine/sal_acid attempts 1
medicine/salbutamol attempts 1
ash attempts 1
virus_food_synaptizine attempts 1
medicine/hercuri attempts 1
sorium attempts 1
Total Attempts 6565
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