food_harvested from 219127 on Manuel
What How Many
Wheat Stalks 139
Onion Sprouts 91
Potato Plants 90
Moonflowers 84
Tomato Plants 81
Watermelon Vines 79
Pumpkin Vines 69
Rose Bush 62
Sugarcane 58
Oat Stalks 39
Meatwheat 35
Tower Caps 30
Carrots 30
Rice Stalks 30
Chili Plants 30
Death Nettles 20
Banana Tree 19
Barrel Melon Vines 10
Rainbow Weed 10
Omega Weed 10
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 10
Cabbages 10
Sunflowers 6
Harebells 4
Reishi 1
Total 1047
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