quirks_taken from 225249 on Terry
What How Many
Extrovert 3
Light Drinker 3
Shifty Eyes 3
Light Step 3
Freerunning 3
Hypersensitive 2
Mute 2
Family Heirloom 2
Food Allergy 2
Unstable 2
Bad Touch 2
Smoker 2
Heterochromatic 2
Night Vision 1
Friendly 1
Body Purist 1
Musician 1
Voracious 1
Indebted 1
Depression 1
Signer 1
Numb 1
Spiritual 1
Nyctophobia 1
Drunken Resilience 1
Skittish 1
Introvert 1
Soft-Spoken 1
Ananas Affinity 1
Total 47
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