food_harvested from 226373 on Manuel
What How Many
Wheat Stalks 126
Chili Plants 125
Onion Sprouts 119
Cabbages 116
Potato Plants 109
Herbs 89
Pea Vines 82
Berry Bush 74
Pumpkin Vines 71
Korta Nut Bush 66
Apple Tree 61
Cannabis Plant 47
Parsnip 46
Watermelon Vines 36
Soybean Plants 29
Carpet 27
Ambrosia Deus 26
Tower Caps 24
Eggplants 20
Sugarcane 20
Omega Weed 20
Carrots 16
Grass 16
Garlic Sprouts 10
Rice Stalks 10
Nettles 7
Harebells 2
Total 1394
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