antagonists from 226674 on Manuel
CIBO (Phaseu) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
SEGFAULT (PapaMichael) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
Senpai (Ophaq) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
KLVGR (TagGamerGame2) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
Nick Robertson (Bingusdingus) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Fridge Richter (Pharaphalyn) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Licoreina Eton (John Henry Eton) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Jackson Van Dyke (BeeBoosci) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Vela HC (LizeLive) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Lou Cherry (Insertgoodnamehere) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Deangello Terris (Ash Lightweaver) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Atomoca is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Mines-And-Crafts (Gameaddict07) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Atomoca is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Krisster Fless (Dr . Oof) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Atomoca is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Ted Walker (TorinD7) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Huffs-The-Fumes (AnAbsoluteDunce) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Dan-Reet (Froggy0710) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Ruth Kizaha (FudgeMaster) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Chee-Mach (AxelZonvolt) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Amelia Kernel (TheRealBaller) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Tyler Tanner (VERYFASTMONKEY) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Xemo (TheBibleMelts) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Gendry Blockworth (Ningajai) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Don Mann (HappyD0gg) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Cobalt-Thorium-G (Huesudo1645) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Flashaslavia's services.
Bronte Reighner (Doc12693420) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Flashaslavia's services.
Robert Gusto (Heckels) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Bojo Atric (Ocean Knight) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Daniel Cola (Yobrocharlie) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Lloyd Halloran (Goblinman221) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Joe Blongazoid (Bogman44) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Untouchable (Fatcat9999pounds) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Fluorine XXIII (FOil12) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Melange Ibad (Joster730) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Nicholas Leban (Zero_The_Fluffy_Fox) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make statues everywhere of your glorious leader of Medesia. If you have nobody, crown one amongst yourselves!
Razzle Dazzle (Stream216) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Michael Collins (MichaelTS27) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Scistotzka is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Ani Myu (Winterseasalt) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Osbert Lowsly (BobbyHillPropane) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Urist McMan (WhataTerribleUserName) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Flashaslavia's services.
Toast Malone (Toast2239) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Andrew Ryals (Humanlike) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Milton Powers (Point_Hunter) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Corey Teagarden (Shpoopeh) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Boozotide against the dangers of the outside world.
Birry Bigo (Loxin) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Flashaslavia's services.
Ollie Swilts (Gggzzzman) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Oretopia must be absolutely blinged out.
Randy Highlands (ThatCoolGuyDevin) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Flashaslavia's services.
Effie Arnold (LilahNovi) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Atomoca is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Caleb Alice (Gueba14) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Atomoca is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
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