chemical_reaction from 227574 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
diethylamine total reaction steps 91
ammonia total reaction steps 79
medicine/libital total reaction steps 64
saltpetre total reaction steps 61
space_cleaner attempts 56
food/soup/eyeballsoup total reaction steps 34
space_drugs total reaction steps 34
phenol total reaction steps 30
saltpetre attempts 23
ammonia attempts 21
saltwater attempts 12
oil total reaction steps 12
diethylamine attempts 11
pestkiller attempts 10
sterilizine attempts 9
water total reaction steps 9
medicine/helbital total reaction steps 7
lube total reaction steps 6
ice attempts 6
food/pancakebatter attempts 5
water attempts 5
drink/martini attempts 5
drink/dark_n_stormy attempts 4
thermite total reaction steps 4
food/hot_ramen attempts 4
drink/telepole attempts 3
food/rice_flour attempts 3
acetone total reaction steps 3
medicine/synthflesh attempts 3
medicine/synthflesh overheated reaction steps 3
food/soup/eyeballsoup attempts 2
oil attempts 2
thermite attempts 2
acetone attempts 1
phenol attempts 1
medicine/libital attempts 1
medicine/synthflesh overly impure reaction steps 1
foaming_agent attempts 1
sorium attempts 1
medicine/antihol attempts 1
lube attempts 1
drink/fringe_weaver attempts 1
medicine/helbital attempts 1
pyrosium attempts 1
space_drugs attempts 1
Total Attempts 635