station_mess_destroyed from 227880 on Manuel
What How Many
dirt 847
salt pile 140
blood 114
drips of blood 85
footprints 76
white glitter 53
pool of fuel 48
dried blood 48
dried footprints 38
vomit 37
motor oil 36
gibs 32
pink glitter 23
space ants 20
tiny shards 14
ashes 12
blood splatter 10
insect guts 7
rotting gibs 5
beanbag slug 4
wrapping shreds 2
pistachios pack 2
dusty robot debris 2
energy weapon lens 2
smashed pie 1
plastic shreds 1
4no raisins 1
champagne cork 1
crushed can 1
C&Ds packet 1
clutter 1
glowing goo 1
decomposing garbage 1
old rotting gibs 1
Total 1667