chemical_reaction from 227909 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
/datum/reagent/blood 4653.14
mutagen attempts 1328
medicine/inacusiate total reaction steps 93
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps 49
yuck total reaction steps 44
medicine/multiver total reaction steps 37
water total reaction steps 29
oil total reaction steps 29
medicine/neurine total reaction steps 29
mindbreaker total reaction steps 28
phenol total reaction steps 26
mutagen total reaction steps 24
acetone total reaction steps 19
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 19
ash total reaction steps 15
medicine/oculine total reaction steps 12
medicine/higadrite total reaction steps 11
medicine/mutadone total reaction steps 6
mutagen overheated reaction steps 5
oil attempts 4
medicine/antihol total reaction steps 4
water attempts 3
medicine/mannitol attempts 3
phenol attempts 2
drink/beepsky_smash attempts 2
yuck attempts 2
acetone attempts 1
drink/silencer attempts 1
medicine/neurine attempts 1
drink/blue_hawaiian attempts 1
ash attempts 1
sodiumchloride attempts 1
drink/triple_citrus attempts 1
drink/quadruplesec attempts 1
drink/quadruplesec total reaction steps 1
medicine/multiver attempts 1
mindbreaker attempts 1
medicine/oculine attempts 1
medicine/inacusiate attempts 1
medicine/antihol attempts 1
medicine/mutadone attempts 1
medicine/higadrite attempts 1
Total Attempts 6492