chemical_reaction from 227922 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 766
medicine/libital total reaction steps 170
ammonia attempts 143
diethylamine attempts 135
saltpetre attempts 128
saltpetre total reaction steps 128
cyanide total reaction steps 76
ammonia total reaction steps 67
phenol total reaction steps 57
oil total reaction steps 53
formaldehyde total reaction steps 45
medicine/seiver total reaction steps 42
acetone total reaction steps 30
medicine/modafinil total reaction steps 22
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps 20
medicine/aiuri attempts 19
oil attempts 18
diethylamine total reaction steps 16
cyanide attempts 15
mutagen total reaction steps 12
cyanide overly impure reaction steps 11
phenol attempts 9
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 9
medicine/pen_acid total reaction steps 8
drink/chocolate_milk attempts 7
medicine/atropine total reaction steps 7
acetone attempts 6
medicine/mutadone total reaction steps 6
aranesp total reaction steps 6
food/pancakebatter attempts 4
medicine/libital attempts 4
hydrogen_peroxide total reaction steps 4
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 3
ash attempts 3
napalm total reaction steps 3
/datum/reagent/blood 2.9245
medicine/aiuri overly impure reaction steps 2
medicine/seiver attempts 2
ash total reaction steps 2
medicine/modafinil attempts 2
medicine/atropine attempts 2
medicine/mannitol attempts 1
formaldehyde attempts 1
sodiumchloride attempts 1
medicine/pen_acid attempts 1
mutagen attempts 1
medicine/mutadone attempts 1
aranesp attempts 1
acetone_oxide attempts 1
napalm attempts 1
Total Attempts 2073