food_harvested from 230707 on Manuel
What How Many
Cabbages 80
Lanternfruit Pod 70
Watermelon Vines 66
Potato Plants 54
Berry Bush 52
Wheat Stalks 50
Onion Sprouts 47
Rainbow Weed 44
Pumpkin Vines 40
Grass 30
Fairygrass 30
Lifeweed 30
Herbs 30
Corn Stalks 26
Tower Caps 25
Gatfruit Tree 24
Glow-Berry Bush 23
Koibean Plants 22
Ambrosia Deus 21
Bamboo 20
Coffee Arabica Bush 20
strange plant 19
Combustible Lemon Tree 19
Cannabis Plant 18
Ambrosia Vulgaris 18
Korta Nut Bush 18
Laughin' Peas 18
Saltcane 15
Liberty-Caps 12
Ambrosia Gaia 12
Apple Tree 12
Moonflowers 10
Chanterelle Mushrooms 10
Cherry Bomb Tree 10
Jupiter Cups 10
Cotton 10
Durathread 10
Reishi 10
Glowshrooms 10
Glowcaps 10
Meatwheat 10
Space Tobacco Plant 10
Tea Astra Plant 10
Bluespace Banana Tree 10
Golden Apple Tree 10
Sweet Korta Nut Bush 10
Bungo Tree 10
Lemon Tree 10
Lime Tree 10
Orange Tree 10
Blumpkin Vines 10
Tomato Plants 10
Killer-Tomato Plants 10
Töchtaüse Bush 10
Pineapple Plant 10
Plum Tree 10
Plumb Tree 10
Aloe 10
Sunflowers 10
Rose Bush 10
Poppy Plants 10
Carbon Rose Flower 10
Carrots 10
Parsnip 10
Novaflowers 10
Green Bean Plants 10
White-Beet Plants 10
Snapcorn Stalks 10
Red Onion Sprouts 10
Peanut Plant 10
butterbean Plants 10
Death Nettles 9
Destroying Angels 9
Tobacco Plant 9
Bell Pepper Plants 9
Eggplants 9
Green-Grape Vine 9
Blue Cherry Tree 9
Extradimensional Orange Tree 9
Blood-Tomato Plants 9
Lily Plants 9
World Peas 9
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 8
Sugarcane 8
Pea Vines 8
Jumping Bean Plants 8
Steel Caps 7
Nettles 7
Shadowshrooms 7
Banana Tree 7
Egg-Plants 7
Sweet Potato Plants 7
Fly Amanitas 6
Tea Aspera Plant 6
Coffee Robusta Bush 6
Cherry Bulb Tree 6
Cocao Tree 6
Chili Plants 6
Vanilla Tree 6
Poison-Berry Bush 6
Pepper-Corn Stalks 6
Soybean Plants 6
Mimana Tree 5
Chilly Pepper Plants 5
Barrel Melon Vines 5
Olive Tree 5
Cucumber Plant 5
Garlic Sprouts 5
Red-Beet Plants 5
Walking Mushrooms 4
Rice Stalks 4
Grape Vine 4
Holy Melon Vines 4
Geranium Plants 4
Galaxythistle 3
Omega Weed 3
Deathweed 3
Cherry Tree 3
Ghost Chili Plants 3
Total 1668
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