food_harvested from 232214 on Manuel
What How Many
Apple Tree 134
Grape Vine 106
Potato Plants 83
Watermelon Vines 63
Pumpkin Vines 52
Bamboo 51
Tower Caps 42
Durathread 20
Death Nettles 20
Carpet 20
Egg-Plants 19
Korta Nut Bush 15
Bluespace Tomato Plants 10
Sunflowers 10
Barrel Melon Vines 10
Fruiting Cactus 10
Eggplants 9
Tomato Plants 8
Chanterelle Mushrooms 6
Red-Beet Plants 5
Ambrosia Vulgaris 5
Pea Vines 3
Tobacco Plant 3
Galaxythistle 2
Reishi 1
Total 709
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