antagonists from 233200 on Manuel
Rodney Stalwart (BrainBoy20) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure no rude people leave the station.
  • FAIL Steal all the things from virology.
  • FAIL Ensure no fanatics escape the station locked down.
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Poly (CrazyPro) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure all hooligans escape the station.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Karl Kibblemunch (Vardei) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Assassinate a high profile crewmember without being caught.
  • FAIL Make it difficult but not impossible to abscond from the station.
  • FAIL Invoke a mutiny in Medical.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
The Blobbening (Dirt290) as The Blob /datum/antagonist/blob
  • FAIL Reach critical mass!
blob spore (802) (Ash Lightweaver) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob spore (834) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob spore (258) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob spore (19) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob zombie (525) (Cockatail) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
The Blobbening 2 - Director's Cut (Hotmud9) as The Blob /datum/antagonist/blob
  • FAIL Reach critical mass!
blobbernaut (86) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob zombie (204) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
blob zombie (192) (crazypro) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
Dalton Lord (Aoxdragon) as The Blob Minion /datum/antagonist/blob_minion
  • FAIL Protect the blob core at all costs.
Dalton Lord (Aoxdragon) as The Virtual Domain Actor /datum/antagonist/domain_ghost_actor
  • FAIL Defend your domain from the intruders!
River Griffiths (NoxVS) as The Virtual Domain Actor /datum/antagonist/domain_ghost_actor
  • FAIL Defend your domain from the intruders!
Raelene Pycroft (AyamePup) as The Virtual Domain Actor /datum/antagonist/domain_ghost_actor
  • FAIL Defend your domain from the intruders!
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