antagonists from 239466 on Unknown
Johnny Glover (Lunarwalrus) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure all cowards evacuate the station.
  • SUCCESS Ensure that Monosodium Glutamate VI, the Cook escapes alive and out of custody.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
John J. Jorken (SBRNinja) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • SUCCESS You live on the charity zone...HAVE FUN!
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Licoreina Eton (John Henry Eton) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Cause a disaster to shake the station.
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Deangelo Leach (OctogonapusMD) as The Fugitive /datum/antagonist/fugitive
  • FAIL Avoid capture from the fugitive hunters.
Adrian Trovato (lamerguy2323) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Chad Raub (Goblinman221) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Son of Brick Mortar (Xprtdrt) as The wee lad /datum/antagonist/custom
  • FAIL Murder Vlad The Idiot, the Head of Security.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Alexandra Ann (foxicide) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Paget Dugmore (SBRNinja) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • SUCCESS Die a glorious death.
Hector Camp (OctogonapusMD) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • SUCCESS Die a glorious death.
Kristopher Foster (excalibot) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • SUCCESS Die a glorious death.
Melvyn James (Goblinman221) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • SUCCESS Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (SBRNinja) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (Redbert) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (Barber_Ferdinand) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (Xprtdrt) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (Lamerguy2323) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Son of Brick Mortar (Mochala) as The Heartbreaker /datum/antagonist/heartbreaker
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
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