chemical_reaction from 242537 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
/datum/reagent/blood 303.6
mutagen total reaction steps 239
medicine/libital total reaction steps 168
lexorin total reaction steps 136
oil total reaction steps 107
food/caramel total reaction steps 100
medicine/potass_iodide total reaction steps 99
lube total reaction steps 94
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 92
medicine/helbital total reaction steps 79
/datum/reagent/smoke_powder 75
medicine/salbutamol total reaction steps 73
phenol total reaction steps 67
medicine/lenturi total reaction steps 56
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 49
medicine/salglu_solution total reaction steps 46
acetone total reaction steps 45
medicine/seiver total reaction steps 44
nitracid total reaction steps 41
medicine/probital total reaction steps 38
medicine/leporazine total reaction steps 36
ammonia total reaction steps 34
saltwater total reaction steps 34
medicine/cryoxadone total reaction steps 29
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 25
thermite total reaction steps 24
medicine/convermol total reaction steps 22
facid total reaction steps 22
ammonia attempts 21
medicine/multiver overheated reaction steps 21
oil attempts 19
medicine/multiver total reaction steps 19
water total reaction steps 17
mutagen attempts 17
hydrogen_peroxide total reaction steps 15
drink/silencer attempts 14
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 11
ash total reaction steps 10
formaldehyde total reaction steps 9
lexorin attempts 9
food/soysauce attempts 8
ash attempts 7
pumpup total reaction steps 7
phenol attempts 6
food/pancakebatter attempts 6
diethylamine attempts 5
medicine/diphenhydramine attempts 5
medicine/sal_acid attempts 4
acetone attempts 4
medicine/potass_iodide attempts 4
medicine/lenturi attempts 4
medicine/haloperidol total reaction steps 4
drink/bananahonk attempts 4
mutagen overly impure reaction steps 4
water attempts 3
drink/quadruplesec attempts 3
medicine/salbutamol attempts 3
sodiumchloride attempts 3
medicine/diphenhydramine total reaction steps 3
medicine/libital attempts 2
medicine/aiuri attempts 2
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 2
medicine/helbital attempts 2
medicine/probital attempts 2
medicine/seiver attempts 2
food/caramel attempts 2
saltwater attempts 2
medicine/salglu_solution attempts 2
ice attempts 2
cryostylane total reaction steps 2
medicine/cryoxadone attempts 2
diethylamine total reaction steps 2
thermite attempts 2
facid attempts 2
facid overheated reaction steps 2
nitracid attempts 2
space_cleaner attempts 2
space_cleaner total reaction steps 2
drink/triple_citrus attempts 1
medicine/convermol attempts 1
medicine/leporazine attempts 1
medicine/multiver attempts 1
formaldehyde attempts 1
cryostylane attempts 1
medicine/haloperidol attempts 1
lube attempts 1
oil overheated reaction steps 1
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 1
pumpup attempts 1
Total Attempts 2495
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