station_mess_destroyed from 243596 on Terry
What How Many
gibs 334
blood 270
dirt 229
xeno gibs 126
salt pile 82
dried footprints 71
tiny shards 55
footprints 51
motor oil 36
dust 33
drips of blood 27
flour 21
stabilized plasma 16
white glitter 16
dried blood 15
rotting gibs 15
space ants 8
ashes 8
blood splatter 6
vomit 6
cobweb 5
wrapping shreds 4
insect guts 3
xeno blood 3
pawprints 3
dusty robot debris 2
crusty dried vomit 2
clutter 2
candy 2
pool of fuel 1
glowing goo 1
old rotting gibs 1
decomposing garbage 1
Total 1455
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