item_used_for_combat from 243784 on Manuel
30 /obj/item/melee/energy/sword 6
12 /obj/item/storage/toolbox 19
12 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical 14
12 /obj/item/hatchet 1
12 /obj/item/crowbar/large/emergency 1
9 /obj/item/stack/rods 1
15 /obj/item/circular_saw/cyborg 13
15 /obj/item/circular_saw 29
15 /obj/item/melee/sabre 7
15 /obj/item/weldingtool/experimental 1
15 /obj/item/weldingtool/largetank/cyborg 3
3 /obj/item/bodypart/leg/left/monkey 2
3 /obj/item/bot_assembly/medbot 1
3 /obj/item/bodypart/head/ethereal 1
25 /obj/item/melee/arm_blade 13
5 /obj/item/screwdriver 15
5 /obj/item/shard 4
5 /obj/item/gun/energy/recharge/fisher 3
5 /obj/item/crowbar 1
10 /obj/item/kirbyplants/organic/plant16 1
10 /obj/item/gun/ballistic/shotgun/doublebarrel 4
10 /obj/item/kirbyplants/organic/plant21 1
20 /obj/item/knife/combat 1
20 /obj/item/melee/sickly_blade/flesh 6
8 /obj/item/crowbar/red 9
8 /obj/item/fish/pufferfish 4
1 /obj/item/melee/flyswatter 4
6.6 /obj/item/fish/lanternfish 2
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