243799 on Manuel
Proper Completion in 01:23:01
N.S.S. Cool Creature Station 14 aboard MetaStation
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Orange Star
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 42
Maximum Threat 100
Player Count 32
Roundstart Budget 36
threat_curve_centre -0.4
threat_curve_width 4
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2024-11-29 22:12:07 00:04:37 2024-11-29 22:16:44 01:23:01 2024-11-29 23:39:45 00:01:17 2024-11-29 23:41:02
Log Links Round 243799 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 243799 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 5cada1392ae9fd15c7446e3b844bf6e335eda05d
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Basic Statistics
The Owl (BlackKnight1030) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the Blackbox
  • FAIL Hijack the emergency shuttle by hacking its navigational protocols through the control console (alt click emergency shuttle console).
SUPER (Tostah) as The Space Wizard /datum/antagonist/wizard
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal laser gun
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Tiffany Elizabeth Carlisle (AmBush6838) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Steal a sliver of a supermatter crystal
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Dustin White, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Leland The Jaded (Snailomi) as The Wizard Apprentice /datum/antagonist/wizard/apprentice
  • FAIL Protect SUPER, the wizard.
Transcends-The-Flesh (EnterTheJake) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • FAIL Steal the medal of captaincy
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal compact shotgun
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Syndicate Operative (Thranos) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the Blackbox
  • FAIL Hijack the emergency shuttle by hacking its navigational protocols through the control console (alt click emergency shuttle console).
Tristan Buttermilk (Intense-vaporz) as The Paradox Clone /datum/antagonist/paradox_clone
  • FAIL Murder and replace Tristan Buttermilk, the Botanist. Remember, your mission is to blend in, do not kill anyone else unless you have to!
Ani Myu (Winterseasalt) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • FAIL Assassinate Imitates-The-Lizards, the Lawyer.
  • FAIL Steal a hand teleporter
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Litebrite (Dr_pupper) as The Former Obsessed /datum/antagonist/former_obsessed
All Statistics
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