245061 on Manuel
Proper Completion in 01:26:23
N.S.S. Oh, really? Whatever you say, pal. aboard MetaStation
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Red Star
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 73
Maximum Threat 100
Player Count 28
Roundstart Budget 71.3
threat_curve_centre -0.4
threat_curve_width 4
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2024-12-09 22:13:42 00:04:42 2024-12-09 22:18:24 01:26:23 2024-12-09 23:44:47 00:01:13 2024-12-09 23:46:00
Log Links Round 245061 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 245061 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 124689b02237d998b9ce70233b85c6564c3e4b7d
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Transparency (Noisetan) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • FAIL Extract 6 compatible genomes.
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal laser gun
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Ashet Soot, the Head of Security.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Clara White, the Curator while wearing their identification card.
Greyson Tyde (NoobzUltra) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the hypospray
  • FAIL Prevent Mia Melanie, the Security Officer, from escaping alive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
John J. Jorken (SBRNinja) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal compact shotgun
  • SUCCESS Steal the medal of captaincy
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Eric Dawsby (Rustybuckets6601) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 19 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 7 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 3 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
  • FAIL Summon 2 monsters from the Mansus into this realm.
Clara White (Xzero314) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Sore Yew (SoreYew) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Bingo Bobie (Master_Painis) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Nori Richter (Auto86313) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal compact shotgun
  • SUCCESS Steal the medal of captaincy
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Oscar Warren (AmBush6838) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • FAIL Steal the captain's antique laser gun
  • FAIL Steal the reactive teleport armor
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Seeks-The-Soup (DrukhariRat) as The Brother /datum/antagonist/brother
  • SUCCESS Convert a brainwashable person using your flash on them directly. Any handheld flash will work if you lose or break your starting flash.
  • FAIL Steal the hypospray
  • FAIL Prevent Mia Melanie, the Security Officer, from escaping alive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Frankie Steiner (Ergovisavi) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Transparency (Noisetan) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Alice (Interncom) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Zara Nirvana (Tostah) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
monkey (932) (Gueba14) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
monkey (339) (Bobyo) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Cayden Fisher (Dr_dre-kll) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Oscar Warren (AmBush6838) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
John 'Unga' Davinski (Admiral gigatron) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Webb Nitens (Willingsas) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Rylan Gadow (Gueba14) as The Recovered Crew /datum/antagonist/recovered_crew
Shade of Greyson Tyde (NoobzUltra) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Ashet Soot (Aoeeee) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Steven (Froboot) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Elysius Uruma (Redbert) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Eric Dawsby, the Assistant via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Chief Engineer's Office, The Ordnance Office and the Mining Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of monkey (845) (SoreYew) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Waldo (Master_Painis) as The Fugitive /datum/antagonist/fugitive
  • FAIL Avoid capture from the fugitive hunters.
Shade of Frankie Steiner (Ergovisavi) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Aden Hawker (NoobzUltra) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Leila Osterweis (The Trollinator) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Fridge Bloise (theguywhocanfly) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Shade of Clara White (Xzero314) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Shade of Webb Nitens (Willingsas) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Shade of Cayden Fisher (Dr_dre-kll) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
All Statistics
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