wizard_spell_learned from 95164 on Sybil
What How Many
Fireball 4
Ethereal Jaunt 3
Wild Shapeshift 3
Magic Missile 3
Guardian Deck 3
Mindswap 2
Teleport 2
Time Stop 2
Six Soul Stone Shards and the spell Artificer 2
Spell Cards 2
Wand Assortment 1
Charge 1
Force Wall 1
Bottle of Tickles 1
Smoke 1
Tesla Blast 1
Summon Guns 1
Lightning Bolt 1
Summon Events 1
Mutate 1
Summon Ghosts 1
Bind Soul 1
The Traps! 1
Scrying Orb 1
Disable Tech 1
Total 41
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