item_used_for_combat from 98168 on Sybil
0 /obj/item/toy/dummy 1
0 /obj/item/retractor 1
0 /obj/item/hemostat 7
0 /obj/item/cautery 1
0 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe 1
10 /obj/item/instrument/saxophone 5
10 /obj/item/extinguisher 59
10 /obj/item/scalpel 1
10 /obj/item/instrument/guitar 1
10 /obj/item/kitchen/knife 6
10 /obj/item/instrument/piano_synth 3
10 /obj/item/melee/baseball_bat 47
30 /obj/item/melee/transforming/energy/sword/pirate 8
5 /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/diamond 1
5 /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/uranium 1
5 /obj/item/gun/energy/laser 2
5 /obj/item/wrench 40
5 /obj/item/lighter 2
6 /obj/item/wirecutters 33
15 /obj/item/circular_saw 30
12 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical 16
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