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109834 on Basil
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Round Initialized | Round Started | Round Ended | Round Shutdown |
2019-06-04 00:04:49 | Not available | Not available | 2019-06-04 00:06:42 |
Log Links | Round 109834 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 109834 at 🐝 Scrubby | |||||
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[READY] Smooth(er) Movement V2 (60 FPS fix) by actioninja
Kilo station by Okand37
Dragging prone mobs slows you down, fireman carrying by actioninja
[s]Temp workaround for admins matching stickybans because of a byond bug. by MrStonedOne
[READY] Smooth(er) Movement V2 (60 FPS fix) by actioninja
Kilo station by Okand37
Dragging prone mobs slows you down, fireman carrying by actioninja
[s]Temp workaround for admins matching stickybans because of a byond bug. by MrStonedOne