Who | Where | When | How |
130253 on Unknown
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
View Timeline
Round Initialized | Duration | Round Started | Round Ended | Round Shutdown |
2020-02-15 02:03:44 | 00:03:22 | 2020-02-15 02:07:06 | Not available | 2020-02-15 02:17:03 |
Log Links | Round 130253 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 130253 at 🐝 Scrubby | |||||
Github Commit | 6678c6ebe845b07113eec78bedf2854c17bb818e | |||||
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Deaths (0)
Basic Statistics
Supports named arguments in AddComponent and AddElement by ninjanomnom
Paintings icons and persistence. by AnturK
Disable library machine uis by optimumtact
Supports named arguments in AddComponent and AddElement by ninjanomnom
Paintings icons and persistence. by AnturK
Disable library machine uis by optimumtact