Who | Where | When | How |
163820 on Basil
Station Integrity
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View Timeline
Round Initialized | Round Started | Round Ended | Round Shutdown |
2021-06-09 22:59:21 | Not available | Not available | 2021-06-09 23:06:32 |
Log Links | Round 163820 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 163820 at 🐝 Scrubby | |||||
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Deaths (0)
Basic Statistics
2FA for Admins by Mothblocks
[READY] Lighting list cleanup. by MrStonedOne
Lowers the cold temperature activation threshold for fire alarms/firelocks by Yenwodyah
Fixes OOC heart commendations by Ryll-Ryll
2FA for Admins by Mothblocks
[READY] Lighting list cleanup. by MrStonedOne
Lowers the cold temperature activation threshold for fire alarms/firelocks by Yenwodyah
Fixes OOC heart commendations by Ryll-Ryll