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184465 on Manuel
Station Integrity
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Round Initialized | Round Started | Round Ended | Round Shutdown |
2022-06-06 20:35:50 | Not available | Not available | 2022-06-06 20:42:56 |
Log Links | Round 184465 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 184465 at 🐝 Scrubby | |||||
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Basic Statistics
Resprites almost all the hair to modern standards by Crumpaloo by Iamgoofball
Adminwho now caches feedback links until admins are reloaded (and also works again) by Mothblocks
Optimizes Runechat by Kylerace
Reduces the point reduction on traitor objectives significantly by Watermelon914
Resprites almost all the hair to modern standards by Crumpaloo by Iamgoofball
Adminwho now caches feedback links until admins are reloaded (and also works again) by Mothblocks
Optimizes Runechat by Kylerace
Reduces the point reduction on traitor objectives significantly by Watermelon914