antagonists from 185719 on Terry
Mars XI (Mr. Emperor) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal a reflector trenchcoat
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Lando Eggbert (Willy The Bear) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal the nuclear authentication disk
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Antonia Simper (Jaltsi) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal at least 3 guns!
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Grey Baldoff (Drakyry) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal the medal of captaincy
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Joseph Power (Schuggi999) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal at least 5 organic organs! They must be kept healthy.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Ivy Stewart (Mindly_anarch) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Become a living legend by getting a total of 444.37 reputation points
  • SUCCESS Complete objectives colletively worth more than 268.78 reputation points
Asmodeus Steelworth (FloweYStyle) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Become a living legend by getting a total of 416.5 reputation points
  • FAIL Complete objectives colletively worth more than 274.33 reputation points
Sesame (Mikejs) as The Malfunctioning AI /datum/antagonist/malf_ai
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Kayla Spacington, the Detective.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Antonia Simper, the Paramedic.
  • SUCCESS Prevent your own deactivation.
alien queen (392) (Evafan) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
revenant (405) (ZealousOtter) as The Revenant /datum/antagonist/revenant
  • FAIL Absorb 539 points of essence from humans.
  • SUCCESS Assist and exacerbate existing threats at critical moments.
Josh Hawkins (Alphanerdd) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Become a living legend by getting a total of 641.82 reputation points
  • FAIL Complete objectives colletively worth more than 217.12 reputation points
Jack Beggar (WoflShard) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 16 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 4 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 2 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
alien drone (433) (FloweYStyle) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien drone (974) (Spooky220) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien drone (741) (letmeenter) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien drone (806) (Soulsoul) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (962) (RussianSus) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien sentinel (276) (Voudez) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Hakon Ramessu (Artur_lang) as The Abductor Scientist /datum/antagonist/abductor/scientist
  • FAIL Experiment on 6 humans.
Kevin Frenchy De Mulhouse (Mit depain) as The Abductor Agent /datum/antagonist/abductor/agent
  • FAIL Experiment on 6 humans.
alien sentinel (307) (flurrieon) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (484) (Technokek) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien sentinel (191) (Spooky220) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (56) (Redneptune1) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Rogue Samurai (Vending Machine) as The Space Ninja /datum/antagonist/ninja
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves to convert at least one cyborg to aide you in sabotaging the station.
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a research & development server to sabotage research efforts. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • FAIL Use your gloves to doorjack 35 airlocks on the station.
  • FAIL Detonate your starter bomb in Customs. Note that the bomb will not work anywhere else!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a security console to set everyone to arrest at least once. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a communication console in order to bring another threat to the station. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Stay alive until the end.
alien sentinel (677) (Toparai) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (329) (Wineallwine) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Okina Matara (Syncronia) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS The leaders of this station are hiding a grand, evil conspiracy. Only you can learn what it is, and expose it to the people!
alien hunter (911) (Ulanyfrajer) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Joe Madre (Sxmething) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS You're the narrator of this tale. Follow around the protagonists to tell their story.
alien larva (403) (Redneptune1) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien larva (506) (Lyude) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien sentinel (94) (Spooky220) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Bruce Berry (Bulletfang) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Being alone and in large groups are both frightening. Try to be alone with only one other person whenever possible.
alien larva (319) (Dragomagol) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (214) (Comxy) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien larva (861) (flurrieon) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien hunter (382) (WoflShard) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien sentinel (419) (YouSuckOxygen) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
High-born Jeelius-Silverscale (russiansus) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Top-drawer Geel-Silverscale (died99) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Old-guard Bokeeus-Silverscale (crustinfallen) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Paco Macho (BadLuckDemo) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS You are pregnant and soon due. Find a safe place to deliver your baby.
alien hunter (579) (Somepan) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
Talon Mckendrick (Sk1Wass3r) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Fuck the system! Defect from the station and start an independent colony in space, Lavaland or the derelict. Recruit crewmates if you can.
alien hunter (424) (Redneptune1) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien larva (940) (Cheffie) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien larva (96) (Truz) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
alien larva (203) (Psyduckxoxo) as The Xenomorph /datum/antagonist/xeno
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