200201 on Sybil
Proper Completion in 00:46:56
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Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2023-02-16 00:28:45 00:03:57 2023-02-16 00:32:42 00:46:56 2023-02-16 01:19:38 00:01:10 2023-02-16 01:20:48
Log Links Round 200201 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 200201 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 9c00ed685fb6fd461e36ce07e4bd6e9f14b34258
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Ryan Steel (Sheogorath 66) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Destroy PAL-9000, the experimental AI.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Mr Mute, the Mime.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Wrex Quasar (Novaray) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Axle Brady, the Assistant.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Ryan Steel, the Medical Doctor.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Kyle Dew (Jesusiskingdrake) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Geico Armstrong (TransPride101) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Jamie Zeeple (ToastedEggplant) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect H07-D0G, your date.
H07-D0G (Jetravess) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Jamie Zeeple, your date.
Missy Poseur (PengisBungholius) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • SUCCESS Protect Eric Davis, your date.
Eric Davis (StevieTV123) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Missy Poseur, your date.
PAL-9000 (Blockaboo) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Amber Hahn, your date.
Amber Hahn (Confrade) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect PAL-9000, your date.
Mr Mute (Fallen1220) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Max Edge, your date.
Max Edge (Vijoto) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Mr Mute, your date.
Wrex Quasar (Novaray) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Mr.Honk, your date.
Mr.Honk (REEEEEE0129) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Wrex Quasar, your date.
Sedrick M'Bungo (Heyhey69) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Polonium XXIV, your date.
Polonium XXIV (A Samaritan) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Sedrick M'Bungo, your date.
Axle Brady (SinfulBliss) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Ryan Steel, your date.
Ryan Steel (Sheogorath 66) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Axle Brady, your date.
Slimdick Jim (Uzedpickle) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Weston Echard, your date.
Weston Echard (Blackdav123) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Slimdick Jim, your date.
Jack Jackson (endergamer76) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Lisette Die Heilige, your date.
Lisette Die Heilige (Dusty_Exaliber) as The Valentine /datum/antagonist/valentine
  • FAIL Protect Jack Jackson, your date.
Weston Echard (Blackdav123) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Mr Mute (Fallen1220) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Missy Poseur (PengisBungholius) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Ryan Steel (Sheogorath 66) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Garfield Goober (FungalInfection) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Max Edge, the Assistant.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Filex Rathens, the Station Engineer.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Jamie Zeeple (ToastedEggplant) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Filex Rathens (JadeBarroth) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Max Power, the Scientist.
  • SUCCESS Destroy PAL-9000, the experimental AI.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Wraith (195) (Heyhey69) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
John Ward (Arandomhumanbeing) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 17 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 5 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 6 crewmembers.
Bean Sprout (Barber_Ferdinand) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Max Edge (Vijoto) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Jack Jackson (endergamer76) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Lisette Die Heilige (Dusty_Exaliber) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Artificer (922) (Jetravess) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Nia LaPerm (PrincessBenny) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Morgan Holloway (Tax Fraud) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Garfield Goober (FungalInfection) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Artificer (672) (Maskenary) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Minnie Jones (Blakek2) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Wrex Quasar (Novaray) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Filex Rathens (JadeBarroth) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Axle Brady (SinfulBliss) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult/master
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Max Power (1337gamer420) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Royce Maildread (Y3LL0WSAUL3ED) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (426) (Chrysocyan) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Artificer (24) (A Samaritan) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Wraith (374) (StabbyStab) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Jay Reade (Zuldwyn) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
JOHN MURDER THE THIRD (Wolfmoy) as The Space Wizard /datum/antagonist/wizard
  • FAIL Steal the reactive teleport armor
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Harvester (952) (Jesusiskingdrake) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (929) (Blackdav123) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (185) (Fallen1220) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (302) (ToastedEggplant) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (370) (Vijoto) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (834) (cheeseromancer) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (439) (Dusty_Exaliber) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (150) (Tax Fraud) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (965) (Blakek2) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (209) (Novaray) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (188) (SinfulBliss) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (218) (1337gamer420) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (78) (Y3LL0WSAUL3ED) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (846) (Zuldwyn) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (24) (FungalInfection) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
slaughter demon (Blockaboo) as The Slaughter Demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter
  • FAIL Kill everyone.
Harvester (238) (Sheogorath 66) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (187) (endergamer76) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (708) (Baxxuu) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (616) (Rectification) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Xenobiology Lab, The Brig and the Command Hallway - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
All Statistics
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