antagonists from 216288 on Sybil
Human Harm Prevention Device (Treach) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
Seven Erratic Glasses (Glltch0v0) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
S.K.I.P. (Superturtle41) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
Carl Pavilon (Ezra4709) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Giovannie Harshman (Prototypemeat) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Bingo Bobie (Master_Painis) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Nicholas Leichter (Blockaboo) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Finch Caldwell (Finch12345678910) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Richard Cuboid (The_BoxCat) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Paul Grumblestumpskin (ToastGoats) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Wex Hax (Flatded) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
Justice Koster (Excalibot) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
Kenji Tokomoto (Rotax) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
Fabian Rowley (Cyberjunk) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Tyler Harrison (Justafloorturret) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Tav Glover (Forcedrename) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Keets (CommanderKita) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Jason Tils (White_Meadows) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Gay Johnson (Chimpston) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Tabris Evangel (MilkMang) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Phillip Leech (PixelMade42) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Samantha Cornelius (Castone001) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Hore-Hey Guapo (SteroidSandwich) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Kraven Lockharte (Trexter555) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Samuel Siracuse (Skyryth) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Maddison Matthews (ForgotBeeyondAccount123) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Palladium XIV (Bugstep) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Anth (Aoeeee) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Jimmy Little (Robustitron) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Dude 'Bomb' Bobson (Scissorbird) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
William Dornan (FreshestSoup) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Jeb Finlay (Watchulookinat) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Clyde Rosensteel (Pbj567) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Johnny Pivot (TildeTilter) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Luke Fuchs (Sevaaas1) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Guillaume (Mimepride) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Brings-The-Drugs (IcyManipulation) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Ringle Ding (Barnbaell) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Snickers (Indie-ana Jones) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Coffee Cadwell (Panzerkampfwaggen) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Plodia Hirashimai (ManyBanana) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Xlier Ashara (SA2sa2sa2) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Paulo Tamarind (Glueball) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Leland Dryfus (Extrapancake) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
Mirracle Harison (FREDTHE2ND) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Kane Grittin (Kanegarcia) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Ace Heart (Cultist of Pupcup) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Kyle Losey (Meaty boy) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
Philip Anderson (Lolathan4) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
High-born Shatalg-Silverscale (Sevaaas1) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Old-guard Mere-Silverscale (Finch12345678910) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Holyium XI (Guidesu) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS The rest of the station must be taxed for their use of Supplisia's services.
Tootlet (Slurmp13) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Top-drawer Jaseen-Silverscale (Master_Painis) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Ivsi (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Makayla Todd (Moonlit2020) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Psychtia must be absolutely blinged out.
John Joker (EsotericSeaslug) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
broodmother spider (501) (Finch12345678910) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Ensure the survival of the spider species and overtake whatever structure you find yourself in.
broodmother spider (22) (Master_Painis) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Ensure the survival of the spider species and overtake whatever structure you find yourself in.
guard spiderling (347) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
ambush spiderling (322) (Sevaaas1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Leland Kemble (FamilyGuyFunny) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Deserter Lasersalt (Maskenary) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Renegade Leader Laserhull (Cutplays) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Steals-And-Deals (ColumbianVampires) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Chlorine McUssy (Mothus) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Cole Stone (Fallen1220) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Waldo (Pbj567) as The Fugitive /datum/antagonist/fugitive
  • FAIL Avoid capture from the fugitive hunters.
ambush spiderling (294) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Phillip Graves (Mrgdkat) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
James Gibson (OuterJack2433) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Scica have a right to bear arms.
Scootaloo (pbj567) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Make sure Janinia is fully off the grid, not requiring power or any other services from other departments!
Deserter Pulsarknot (Cutplays) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
ambush spiderling (725) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (632) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (284) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (807) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (475) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (598) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
scout spiderling (9) (Dusty_Exaliber) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (931) (Forcedrename) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
nurse spiderling (168) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (333) (MilkMang) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (583) (Forcedrename) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Patricia Tedrow (The_BoxCat) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
Heather Marcotte (PixelMade42) as The Fugitive Hunter /datum/antagonist/fugitive_hunter
  • FAIL Capture the fugitives in the station and put them into the bluespace capture machine on your ship.
tangle spiderling (352) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: kill or be killed
ambush spiderling (761) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Radiant Oorthull (Cutplays) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
ambush spiderling (945) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (520) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (757) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Bartholomew Jenkins (Letrolemastur) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Rednia against the dangers of the outside world.
Sandigo Bendford (D4C-420) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
hunter spiderling (254) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (805) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (13) (Sevaaas1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
viper spiderling (896) (Forcedrename) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (360) (Yttriums) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (523) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (430) (Skyryth) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Coruscant Ionhull (FamilyGuyFunny) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
hunter spiderling (271) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Merciful Seven (Trexter555) as The Space Ninja /datum/antagonist/ninja
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves to convert at least one cyborg to aid you in sabotaging the station.
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a research & development server to sabotage research efforts. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves to doorjack 17 airlocks on the station.
  • SUCCESS Detonate your starter bomb in the Pharmacy. Note that the bomb will not work anywhere else!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a security console to set everyone to arrest at least once. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a communication console in order to bring another threat to the station. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • FAIL Stay alive until the end.
hunter spiderling (782) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (900) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (892) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (456) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (148) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (520) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
scout spiderling (204) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (578) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
scout spiderling (523) (Slurmp13) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (864) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (280) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
broodmother spiderling (380) (PixelMade42) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, kill humans, bring them to me so i may eat them
broodmother spiderling (502) (Mrgdkat) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
hunter spiderling (954) (AarontheIdiot) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (650) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (414) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (909) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (869) (Extrapancake) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (655) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (741) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (210) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (988) (Troll88) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (891) (Skyryth) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (754) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (990) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
viper spiderling (186) (Yttriums) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
hunter spiderling (590) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
viper spiderling (138) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (149) (Forcedrename) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, kill humans, bring them to me so i may eat them
scout spiderling (108) (Extrapancake) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (808) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (168) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (524) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
scout spiderling (460) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (258) (MilkMang) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (828) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (162) (Guidesu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (239) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (173) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
broodmother spiderling (840) (0some_dude0) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, kill humans, bring them to me so i may eat them
hunter spiderling (802) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (515) (Chazsadboys) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (68) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (588) (Troll88) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
Scintillant Solarflag (Froboot) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Taruiq Hajari (Buffakaza) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Heavily reinforce Powertopia against the dangers of the outside world.
hunter spiderling (724) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (855) (EpicGamerNolan) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (687) (Yttriums) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, kill humans, bring them to me so i may eat them
guard spiderling (628) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
scout spiderling (230) (Guidesu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (289) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (704) (Slurmp13) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (195) (Master_Painis) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (573) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (303) (Buffakaza) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (270) (Troll88) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
viper spiderling (566) (Sevaaas1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (794) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
nurse spiderling (416) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (462) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (373) (Extrapancake) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (985) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
tangle spiderling (401) (Indie-ana Jones) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (44) (D4C-420) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (819) (ManyBanana) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (906) (Guidesu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
Volunteer Mildred (Rotax) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Reichard (Panzerkampfwaggen) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Werry (Blockaboo) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Harrold (mothus) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Curry (astrogem2) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Burkett (D4C-420) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Clewett (Excalibot) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
Volunteer Zeal (ColumbianVampires) as The Frontier Militia /datum/antagonist/ert/militia
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
General Ironmonger (SteroidSandwich) as The Frontier Militia General /datum/antagonist/ert/militia/general
  • SUCCESS Having heard the station's request for aid, assist the crew in defending themselves.
viper spiderling (107) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (241) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
tarantula spiderling (494) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (90) (Sevaaas1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (384) (Trouser Snake Army) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (762) (ToastGoats) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (355) (Master_Painis) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (23) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (924) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (917) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: survive, make friends with humans. lead them to the storage room so i can eat them
hunter spiderling (926) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (628) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (462) (Troll88) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
viper spiderling (235) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (908) (Barnbaell) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (18) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (523) (Mrgdkat) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (566) (EpicGamerNolan) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
viper spiderling (120) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (203) (Buffakaza) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (358) (Master_Painis) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
scout spiderling (823) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (791) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
tangle spiderling (300) (0some_dude0) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (269) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
nurse spiderling (203) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (239) (Mrgdkat) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (601) (Moonlit2020) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (366) (OneHalfCupFlour) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
nurse spiderling (31) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (303) (Cyberjunk) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: GROW IN NUMBERS, GROW IN SIZE
hunter spiderling (997) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (492) (Indie-ana Jones) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (913) (0some_dude0) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tangle spiderling (129) (Indie-ana Jones) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (587) (Justafloorturret) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
tarantula spiderling (421) (Forcedrename) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (108) (Slurmp13) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (837) (OuterJack2433) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (923) (Trouser Snake Army) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
guard spiderling (343) (0some_dude0) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
ambush spiderling (856) (FREDTHE2ND) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
nurse spiderling (37) (Master_Painis) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (666) (CommanderKita) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (723) (Slurmp13) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
hunter spiderling (864) (Ezra4709) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Find a secluded place we can build at
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