229347 on Manuel
Restarted by admin in 01:06:02
N.S.S. Neckbeard Death-trap Kappa aboard MetaStation
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Orange Star
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 56
Maximum Threat 100
Player Count 30
Roundstart Budget 39.4
threat_curve_centre -0.4
threat_curve_width 4
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2024-05-24 02:48:30 00:04:44 2024-05-24 02:53:14 01:06:02 2024-05-24 03:59:16 00:05:49 2024-05-24 04:05:05
Log Links Round 229347 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 229347 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 2ee1f1bc485acd0f40a643128f88746ee8ecbfb2
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Grandma (Elricsfate) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Prevent Tristan Butterfill, the Detective, from escaping alive.
Natalie Holderman (Chowder McArthor) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal laser gun
monkey (909) (Shodd) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Frame a crewmember for a crime.
  • FAIL Ensure no members of Supply evacuate the station.
  • FAIL Ensure no traitors succeed in their objectives.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Fiadh McCarthy (SargesC) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure at least some cowards leave the shift disabled.
  • FAIL Ensure at least some magic-users do not leave the shift cursed.
  • FAIL Steal as many quiet moments as you can.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Grey Guy (Bisar) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure at least some subversives leave the shift confusing.
  • FAIL Take control of the station as the new Captain.
  • SUCCESS Protect Grant Reele, the Station Engineer.
  • FAIL Stay alive off station. Do not go to CentCom.
Laura Winters (Thranos) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 18 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 6 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 4 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
U'ruan (TagGamerGame2) as The Nightmare /datum/antagonist/nightmare
  • FAIL Conjure nightfall by blade or by flame.
Jake Ahriman (RazeWing) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • FAIL Extract 6 compatible genomes.
  • FAIL Steal any set of secret documents of any organization
  • FAIL Assassinate Vinny Vader, the Cargo Technician.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Micheal Brown, the Cook while wearing their identification card.
Laura Winters (Thranos) as The Obsessed /datum/antagonist/obsessed
  • FAIL Take a photo of Lyndsey Buzzard while they're alive, and keep it in your bag.
  • FAIL Spend 2 minutes around Lyndsey Buzzard while they're alive.
  • FAIL Murder Tidus Seldon, Lyndsey Buzzard's coworker.
  • FAIL Murder Lyndsey Buzzard, the Prisoner.
Official Nanotrasen Commendation

The Medal Of Captaincy

is awarded to

Lune Moonlight

— For —

"double agent"

Awarded by David Hell

All Statistics