230662 on Sybil
Proper Completion in 00:48:47
N.S.S. bruh aboard MetaStation
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Yellow Star
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 35
Maximum Threat 94
Player Count 18
Roundstart Budget 32.1
threat_curve_centre 0.3
threat_curve_width 3
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2024-06-16 21:12:35 00:04:59 2024-06-16 21:17:34 00:48:47 2024-06-16 22:06:21 00:01:12 2024-06-16 22:07:33
Log Links Round 230662 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 230662 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 09f85a2f8b319df0c3fe56154d483a3bf35fd90e
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Lurks-In-Tunnels (Sherrye) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Take control of the station as the new Captain.
  • FAIL Keep everyone out of the library.
  • FAIL Hijack the emergency shuttle by hacking its navigational protocols through the control console (alt click emergency shuttle console).
Greasy Steve (TheGreasySteve) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure xenobiology is disabled by the end of the shift.
  • FAIL Ensure Command is locked down by the end of the shift.
  • FAIL Ensure all operatives leave the station.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Widum Boise (MGO) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure at least some tyrants abscond from the station blasted.
  • FAIL Ensure at least some rude people do not leave the shift covered in blood.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Leonard Dryfus (Velaachlorine) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Steal any set of secret documents of any organization
  • FAIL Steal the heavily radioactive plutonium core from the onboard self-destruct
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Joe Madwell (Btcbuster) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Steal the station blueprints
  • FAIL Steal the reactive teleport armor
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Hel-uae (Mindstormy) as The Nightmare /datum/antagonist/nightmare
  • FAIL Bring the darkness to the light.
All Statistics
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