antagonists from 231178 on Terry
Amusei Abijoo (AdhalsteinXVII) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Steal a hand teleporter
Marczin Szebeszynszki (Kacperpl123pl) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure no cowards leave the station sabotaged.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Edgar Prescott (I lemon) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Take hostages of high value crewmembers and demand a ransom.
  • FAIL Ensure all entertainers evacuate the station.
  • FAIL Assassinate a high profile crewmember without being caught.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Cayden Fisher (Dr_dre-kll) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Steal all the pets from the bridge.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Moses Garneys (OPERATIVE623) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Take hostages of high value crewmembers and demand a ransom.
  • FAIL Ensure at least some criminals leave the shift powerful.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Icarus Umbra (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure all foreigners succeed in their objectives.
  • FAIL Protect the station's cargo operations.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Medulla (D3stinymast3r99) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • SUCCESS Prevent Guillaume Le Cosmonaute, the Mime, from escaping alive.
  • FAIL Assassinate Sherry Hargreave, the Assistant.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Gore (Roozbeh) as The Head Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev/head
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Michael Bruno (Just_Michael) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • FAIL Assassinate Michael Johnson, the Coroner.
  • FAIL Assassinate Frank Christopher, the Geneticist.
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Nicholas Teneberis (Nico2221) as The Head Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev/head
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
June Creighton (Bmon) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Marco Lewis (Daythium) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Epi (Hehehhhhhehehhhh) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Jimmy Wilson (Snakerool) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Antheraea Empyrea (BagpipeJogger) as The Head Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev/head
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Taylor Helbital (MAXimalochka) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Frank Christopher (Johnoson) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Zlatko Ivkovic (Terrariola) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Amusei Abijoo (AdhalsteinXVII) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Buck Russell (Cosleg46) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Riker Roy (Troll88) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Mikey Schwarzkopf (Plushcarp) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Nimo Ironical (BX2007) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Magenty Indigo (Magenta5) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Maximus Black (EDGELORD333) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Zamir Bragin (Poplop228) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Sam MacReady (Dragomagol) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Cayden Fisher (Dr_dre-kll) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Fredrico Unrobusto (Oliva) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Sherry Hargreave (JuneJuly) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Reyanould Kowalski (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Alison Wayt (Demir pl) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Choclate Disco (DaddyChristmas) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Ronnie Cybersun (Gera_bro) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Edgar Prescott (I lemon) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Claudius Best (Hristoaz) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Alina Dorasovna (Sakamoto4ka) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Parker Walker (TheEmber) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Pheobe Power (Bepisi) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Shade of John Stevens (Loldongshax) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
blobbernaut (288) (GUM DISEASE) as The Sentient Creature /datum/antagonist/sentient_creature
Golem (733) (Z00mber) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Michael Johnson (Expler) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Genesis Job (LordofConditions) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Alexia Hunter (Lipino7) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Michael Bruno (Just_Michael) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
Anachris Sora (Anachrios Sora) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
magicarp (Cyborg98) as The Sentient Creature /datum/antagonist/sentient_creature
Golem (905) (Porenk) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Moses Garneys, the Research Director.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Alfred Greene, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Renee Reynolds, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Halbert Vainstein, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mamut Rahal, the Chief Engineer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Mars Lowrey, the Head of Security.
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