antagonists from 235649 on Unknown
Automated Crew Manager (Finder559) as The Malfunctioning AI /datum/antagonist/malf_ai
  • FAIL Assassinate Acco Maximia, the Bartender.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Ru-Geem, the Psychologist.
  • SUCCESS Prevent your own deactivation.
Natalie Holderman (Chowder McArthor) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Take hostages of high value crewmembers and demand a ransom.
  • FAIL Stay alive off station. Do not go to CentCom.
Palladium XIV (Bugstep) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure no traitors succeed in their objectives.
  • FAIL Ensure at least some rude people flee the station wrecked.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Ozulmerikh Glendindraven (CrazyPro) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure all fanatics abscond from the station.
  • FAIL Protect Frankie Steiner, the Scientist.
  • FAIL Stay alive off station. Do not go to CentCom.
Abigail Rhinehart (GorgleBing) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • SUCCESS Prevent Airi Ixo, the Botanist, from escaping alive.
Mega Space Carp (Cheeseweb) as The Sentient Creature /datum/antagonist/sentient_creature
banded snake (Paesani) as The Sentient Creature /datum/antagonist/sentient_creature
space carp (Mochala) as The Sentient Creature /datum/antagonist/sentient_creature
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