91294 on Basil
Proper Completion in 00:26:24
N.S.S. Imperial Death-trap November aboard Box Station
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2018-07-20 12:43:20 00:03:25 2018-07-20 12:46:45 00:26:24 2018-07-20 13:13:09 00:01:13 2018-07-20 13:14:22
Log Links Round 91294 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 91294 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit de5dc5d8bcfcdff8ecdfd42be005c8e3673ea809
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
39118 1
39136 1
39220 1
Adrianna Greane (Tarthuta) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Badwin Adams (Jobobman) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Cynthia Elva (SylvinSeik) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Clown (ExplosiveDiarrhea) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Braxton Cherry (Coiax) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult/master
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
William Uchiha (Shedowtnt) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
William Wallace (Hatters) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Lives-In-Maintenance (Equinox78) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Sean Barnes (Toddytheman) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Eugene Stoner (CastorTroy23) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Primrose Teller (PastaFasta55) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Ben Hatter (Angust) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Eats-The-Rats (DayDream21) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Janice Lean (Anuv) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
James Waddler (Louges) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Ryan Nexon (Ryan68) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Hanna Tireman (Twaticus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Gordon Bennett (DinksTM) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Adam Tobortim (NopeSopMop) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Alex Black (sifaus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (492) (sifaus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (542) (Tarthuta) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (833) (Jobobman) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (469) (SylvinSeik) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (737) (ExplosiveDiarrhea) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (845) (Coiax) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (648) (Shedowtnt) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (74) (Hatters) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (777) (Equinox78) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (835) (Toddytheman) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (732) (CastorTroy23) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (210) (PastaFasta55) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (415) (DayDream21) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (712) (Anuv) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (200) (Louges) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (931) (Ryan68) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (687) (Twaticus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (221) (DinksTM) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (883) (NopeSopMop) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (210) (WJohnston) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (78) (Barbedwireqtip) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (676) (Tlaltecuhtli) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (974) (NIETNIETNIET) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (3) (AtlaPrime) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (498) (Rosen Ritter) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (638) (HommandoSA) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (786) (NormanJaden) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (559) (Kopoba) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (251) (Athonathonathon) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (702) (Hatters) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (304) (ZanderDowdall) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (749) (Ciaran114) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice Lives-In-Maintenance, the Chaplain via invoking a Sacrifice rune with it on it and three acolytes around it.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar-Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar-Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in AI Satellite Antechamber, Vault and Law Office - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
All Statistics
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