99079 on Basil
Proper Completion in 01:26:56
N.S.S. ISS Respii Varenos aboard Box Station
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2018-12-23 04:00:11 00:03:20 2018-12-23 04:03:31 01:26:56 2018-12-23 05:30:27 00:01:12 2018-12-23 05:31:39
Log Links Round 99079 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 99079 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit b8c7bf361c6a4e398f5afe16aa2e7edcf08cb3bc
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Abe Merc (Ayebee123) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Download 24 research nodes.
  • FAIL Steal the nuclear authentication disk.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Klara Ellstrom (Obscolene) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Frankie Eggs, the Bartender.
  • FAIL Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
Sasha Markson (SuicidalPickles) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Steal the heavily radioactive plutonium core from the onboard self-destruct. Take care to wear the proper safety equipment when extracting the core!
  • SUCCESS Prevent Boris Volkrov, the Assistant, from escaping alive.
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Asimov (Tuypo1) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Silval Smiles, the Lawyer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate HELP SEC KILLING ME, the Mime.
  • SUCCESS Stay alive until the end.
Ligma The Solo Abductor (Laz0r) as The Abductor Scientist /datum/antagonist/abductor/scientist
  • SUCCESS Experiment on 6 humans.
Brayden Hunter (Mashallah) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS There is only one other person in existence, he is just really good at pretending to be multiple people.
Santa Claus (Skoglol) as The Santa /datum/antagonist/santa
  • SUCCESS Bring joy and presents to the station!
Sammy Kazinski (Shirbu) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You're a mad scientist, with no boundaries of morality. Do whatever insane experiments you want, whether it is at the detriment of the crew or not.
Jonathan Hardy (Swiftcore) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You are a mad scientist with a love for unethical experimentation. You must test your bombs out on the station, but meanwhile making sure NOT to bomb the medbay, or an abductor.
Jonathan Hardy (Swiftcore) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Steal all monkeys.
Roland Deschaine (Jcamleo) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS GRRRR. You're EXTREMELY AGITATED ALL THE TIME! You must take out your agression by constantly punching people, and telling everyone over communications how angry you are and how you like to punch shit.
Blob Overmind (685) (Shirbu) as The Blob /datum/antagonist/blob
  • FAIL Reach critical mass!
John Petrovich (Xeroxemnas) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS The abductors are taking over this station. You must detain as many heads of staff and security personnel as possible. You must bring them somewhere quiet, like the re-education chamber or your office. You must say "alpha lima niner" followed by the location of you and the prisoner. Do nothing to impede, arrest, or harm the abductors. Listen to their every word.
John Petrovich (Xeroxemnas) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Nanotrasen is abusing the animals! Save as many as you can!
Krokodil (Istoprocent) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You are a loyal servant to the abductors. Do nothing to harm them, or go against their will. Serve the abductors by abducting heads of staff and security personnel, and bringing them to a safe spot and saying over comms: "alpha delta niner" followed by your location so the abductor can abduct them.
Krokodil (Istoprocent) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Capture a Clown.
Launch Kusami (hathkar) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You just love lizards. Ever since your bi-species parents had you as a child, you've wanted nothing more then to start a nice bi-race family of lizard-human hybrids. Flirt with every lizard you meet. Do not be too suggestive however, just casual flriting.
Launch Kusami (hathkar) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Go have a good conversation with the singularity/tesla/supermatter crystal. Bonus points if it responds.
Alan Mildred (AeORockin36) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You just really hate catgirls and lizards. You must kill each one you see in any matter you see fit. No none lizard or catgirl casualties are permitted, but you may defend yourself from them. The one exception is Launch Kusami, in whom you have a crush on. Flirt with her always, making sure to compliment her long and thick tail.
Alan Mildred (AeORockin36) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS You must escape the station! Get the shuttle called!
revenant (880) (Cspotter) as The Revenant /datum/antagonist/revenant
  • SUCCESS Absorb 547 points of essence from humans.
  • SUCCESS Ensure that any holy weapons are rendered unusable.
Klara Ellstrom (Obscolene) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS You and the abductor Ligma the Solo Abductor are dating! You must tell everyone how much you adore your abductor it-friend!
Emma Collins (Mufga1) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
  • SUCCESS The only word you may speak is "smegma." Do not say any other word.
Emma Collins (Mufga1) as The Abductee /datum/antagonist/abductee
  • SUCCESS Ignore anything in a set of 3, they don't exist.
All Statistics
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