191153 on Terry
Proper Completion in 00:51:49
N.S.S. Beard Colony Phi aboard Delta Station
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2022-09-25 12:24:14 00:04:46 2022-09-25 12:29:00 00:51:49 2022-09-25 13:20:49 00:01:27 2022-09-25 13:22:16
Log Links Round 191153 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 191153 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 8b5bf9aae0e99ff0dd54c92442cbc1ba1b30bcff
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Apple Dust (Lithra) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Luke Laurenzi (VeryRandomGuy) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Damien Leach (SoulsRuined) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult/master
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Hadrian Wall (Oether) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Abdul Al Qanim (Mazur907) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Become a living legend by getting a total of 881.82 reputation points
  • FAIL Complete objectives colletively worth more than 267.72 reputation points
Jimmy Quark (Jonashx) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Fia Nyakki (Mrkira) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Gary Barlow (Ozycar) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Abdul Al Qanim (Mazur907) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Mimonus The Fool (Rem Frogi) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Cristopher Kelly (Mircello) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (964) (Sticky_piston_master) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Pratt Whids (Florbo Bargingus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Abdul Al Alzared (AngorySkaven) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Clark Whirlow (Upsiloniota) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (215) (liebreich) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Greyson Berkheimer (Cake101) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (693) (Bieyes) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Noah Logue (Waddledood) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (58) (Lulufren) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Wraith (484) (Tonriam) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (252) (Morat73) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Karl Huber (Fwgedei) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Moffer White (RandomDudeFromTheRim) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Cockroach (Likteer) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Nicolas Fryer (Assassin1600) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (55) (Maran123) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Charles White (YomamaVisiter) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Witseidutsei-Sheer (forgetful) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Artificer (691) (Casperclone) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Wraith (69) (Mr. Emperor) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Keith S. (Dr_Trench) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Owen McShain (Maxoesss) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Kesteven LXXV (Dimy003) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (714) (Morbuddy) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Lenny Whitestone (Tymutant) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (24) (YaHaga) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Dar-Sa (swadiansupremacy) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Beela-Churasu (clearlyrandomguy) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Gavin Hujsak (Bobbussus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Fridge Sullivan (Kuweta35) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Ben Dover (Padbol) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Jemmy Riggle (Wackycoolguy) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harold Stainworthe (Space_Powder) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
BoB (Sakamoto4ka) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Tasha-Mei (Erol509) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Saul Fisher (Memer.MP4) as The Traitor /datum/antagonist/traitor
  • FAIL Become a living legend by getting a total of 817.58 reputation points
  • FAIL Complete objectives colletively worth more than 222.48 reputation points
Ashley Adrian (Samen) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Steph Harrison (Sashok_animator) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Ceres XV (FatalX1) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (608) (DustedClothing233) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of John Everest (FancyGourmet) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (438) (Medeelel18) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Uncle Buck (DrStankus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Juggernaut (394) (Xxx_epicgamer_xxX) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Chaplain Mildred (Frinid) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/chaplain/inquisitor
  • SUCCESS Destroy any traces of paranormal activity aboard the station.
Medical Officer Jerome (Lithra) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/medic/inquisitor
  • SUCCESS Destroy any traces of paranormal activity aboard the station.
Security Officer Ullman (Padbol) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/security/inquisitor
  • SUCCESS Destroy any traces of paranormal activity aboard the station.
Commander Christman (Kondafairydragon) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/commander/inquisitor
  • SUCCESS Destroy any traces of paranormal activity aboard the station.
Saul Fisher (Memer.MP4) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Shade of Erin Kaur (Zugerdruger) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (384) (VeryRandomGuy) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (514) (SoulsRuined) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (362) (Oether) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (56) (Jonashx) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (700) (Mrkira) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (454) (Ozycar) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (175) (Mazur907) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (78) (Rem Frogi) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (93) (Florbo Bargingus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (209) (AngorySkaven) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (264) (Upsiloniota) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (684) (Waddledood) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (572) (Fwgedei) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (277) (RandomDudeFromTheRim) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (680) (Likteer) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (205) (Assassin1600) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (954) (YomamaVisiter) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (672) (Dr_Trench) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (494) (Maxoesss) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (999) (Dimy003) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (738) (Tymutant) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (995) (Bobbussus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (72) (Kuweta35) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (951) (Wackycoolguy) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (641) (Space_Powder) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (149) (Sakamoto4ka) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (311) (Erol509) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (12) (Samen) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (349) (Sashok_animator) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (539) (FatalX1) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (655) (FancyGourmet) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (339) (DrStankus) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (712) (Memer.MP4) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (118) (Bieyes) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (570) (MindDestruction) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (894) (Kondafairydragon) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (364) (Frinid) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (431) (Padbol) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (993) (Lithra) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Harvester (144) (Sticky_piston_master) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • SUCCESS The veil has already been weakened here, proceed to the final objective.
  • SUCCESS Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Vault, The Captain's Quarters and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
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