225256 on Terry
Proper Completion in 01:04:10
N.S.S. Meta Hub Chi aboard MetaStation
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Orange Star
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 56
Maximum Threat 100
Player Count 29
Roundstart Budget 25.2
threat_curve_centre 0.1
threat_curve_width 3
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2024-03-09 11:57:26 00:04:21 2024-03-09 12:01:47 01:04:10 2024-03-09 13:05:57 00:01:25 2024-03-09 13:07:22
Log Links Round 225256 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 225256 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 985c08bd46ce3b8f6c0e2837c48b84e2daafa598
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Kareem Eid (Gopnikedgelord) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Cause a station evacuation.
  • FAIL Halt the station's mining operation.
  • FAIL Ensure no heads of staff depart the station.
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Marko Sanchez (Marqui2156) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Sabotage the station's power grid or engine.
  • FAIL Frame a crewmember for a crime.
  • FAIL Free the station's AI from its laws.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Samson Silentstep (Grifter12) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Assassinate a high profile crewmember without being caught.
  • FAIL Sabotage the station's power grid or engine.
  • FAIL Die a glorious death.
Jerry McBob (Billcyferka) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure Security is burning by the end of the shift.
  • FAIL Take hostages of high value crewmembers and demand a ransom.
  • FAIL Ensure no rival moles evacuate the station.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Antoni Macierewicz (Zemsta) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Steal as many objects as you can.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Slippy Joe (Watereaters) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 18 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 6 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 4 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
Michelle Prevatt (BACONOCAB) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 20 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 6 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 3 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
Thomas Richerd (Thomas08) as The Infiltrator /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator
  • FAIL Steal the captain's antique laser gun
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Mex Steele, the Botanist.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Kanet'pruunance (MrDas) as The Nightmare /datum/antagonist/nightmare
  • SUCCESS Bring judgment upon the daywalkers.
Muhammad Sumbul (porenk) as The Hypnotized Victim /datum/antagonist/hypnotized
  • SUCCESS You are a syndicate operative
Mia Poisonous (Poisonforwin) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • SUCCESS Research at least 19 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 6 researched.
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice at least 4 crewmembers.
  • SUCCESS Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
Kanet'pruunance (MrDas) as The Hypnotized Victim /datum/antagonist/hypnotized
  • SUCCESS You are antoni's slave
Sr Silencio (Vicente S) as The Brainwashed Victim /datum/antagonist/brainwashed
Initiate Eater (Panzerkampfwaggen) as The Space Ninja /datum/antagonist/ninja
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves to convert at least one cyborg to aid you in sabotaging the station.
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a research & development server to sabotage research efforts. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves to doorjack 22 airlocks on the station.
  • SUCCESS Detonate your starter bomb in the Security Medical. Note that the bomb will not work anywhere else!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a security console to set everyone to arrest at least once. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Use your gloves on a communication console in order to bring another threat to the station. Note that the AI will be alerted once you begin!
  • SUCCESS Stay alive until the end.
Official Nanotrasen Commendation

The Medal Of Captaincy

is awarded to

Michael Johnson

— For —

"Best Captain"

Awarded by Polina Kierstan

All Statistics
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